National Mission on Natural Farming Download

Mission on Natural Farming

Operational Guidelines
Integrated Nutrient Management Division
Department of Agriculture, & Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001

Part A:
National Mission on Natural Farming
Upscaling Bhartiya Prakratik Krishi Paddhati

1.  About Natural Farming
Natural Farming (Bhartiya Prakratik Krishi Paddhati (NF-BPKP) is a chemical free farming system based on livestock and locally available resources and rooted in Indian tradition. Natural Farming-BPKP is aimed at promoting traditional indigenous practices which gives freedom to farmers from externally purchased inputs and is largely based on biomass mulching, round the year green cover, multi-species green manuring, use of on-farm desi cow dung-urine formulations (such as Bijamrit, Jivamrit, Ghanjivamrit etc) for nutrient and soil fertility management, use of diversity, multi-cropping systems and on-farm made botanical extracts for plant protection and maintaining soil aeration in exclusion of all purchased synthetic chemical inputs directly or indirectly. As natural farming is aimed at reduction in cost of cultivation and providing freedom to farmers from purchased inputs, use of external purchased inputs including organic, biological or otherwise are also avoided.

Part B
Operational Structure

7. National Level
At the national level, National Mission on Natural Farming steered through a National Steering Committee (NSC) under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Agriculture Minister. NSC will be the policy making body providing overall direction and guidance to Mission, monitor and review its progress and performance. NSC will be empowered to lay down and amend operational guidelines. NSC shall comprise of following members:

Part C
Implementation Guidelines

10.  Implementation Guidelines for States

10.1.  Perspective planning by states
National Mission on Natural Farming will be a demand driven programme and states shall prepare a long-term perspective plan with year-wise targets and goals. As per the budget announcements, area falling under the 5 km corridor on either side of river Ganga will be accorded highest priority, followed by area which are rain-fed & traditionally low or no fertilizer input users or default Natural Farming areas. Such category of areas is generally confined to hilly, tribal, high forest land districts and remotely located districts which due to other compulsions are low agro-chemical usage areas. Once the technology and practices are established and validated the mission goals will be spread to other areas and states.

Part D
Implementation Guidelines for Central Lead Institutions

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) as knowledge partner for natural farming extension
National Centre for Management of Agriculture Extension (MANAGE) will be developed as knowledge partner for capacity building and development of knowledge repository, documentation of best practices, digitalization of success stories on Natural Farming and continuous updating of training and best practices content.
